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Image by Ilyuza Mingazova

Sample E-Newsletter

Navigate the Maze of Digital Marketing with Insider Tips

Email Subject Line: 

Navigate the Maze of Digital Marketing with Insider Tips


Email Pre-header Text: 

Ready or not, there’s a MASSIVE SHIFT away from traditional marketing. Discover how a leap to Content Marketing fixes business woes.



Segment Name: Words to the Wise


Headline #1:  Do you have a Fundamental Understanding of Content Marketing?


Teaser Copy Article #1:  

Traditional marketing strategies are becoming less effective as more and more business transitions to the internet. This migration is forcing companies, large and small, to jump into the online marketing game in order to compete. 


Although most business owners know they must make changes in order to generate quality leads, attract more customers and make more sales, few know how to proceed. 


Savvy business owners have discovered the solution is found in Content Marketing.


Are you wondering if Content Marketing is right for you? 


Whether you are hoping to position your own company for success, are thinking about hiring a content marketer or are considering a career shift to escape the corporate grind and embrace a life of freedom, knowing the Fundamentals in Content Marketing is a must.


Consider these questions:

  • Do you know what TOFU, MOFU, BOFU or POFU have to do with sales strategies? 

  • Have you grasped the meaning of “Full Funnel” and understand its significance?

  • Can you identify the most important word in content marketing and know how to capitalize on it? 

  • Can you analyze the Buyer’s Journey to determine what content is needed?


If you answered “No” to any of these, you’ll want to discover the fundamentals of Content Marketing by clicking here. (link disabled)




Headline #2:  

7 Essential Steps to Producing Golden Customer Personas


Teaser Copy #2:


Knowing exactly who you are marketing to and being able to describe them in a way that influences your marketing decisions is vital to reaching new customers. 


Do you know what your customers are passionate about?  


What goals or interests they have? 


What concerns them? Or keeps them up at night? 


If the image you have of your target audience is fuzzy, it’s time to learn the secrets of creating golden Customer Personas. 


In fact, the ability to develop comprehensive Personas is key to being able to market a product or service well. 


Knowing and understanding all the different groups you are trying to reach is foundational to writing compelling copy and implementing effective marketing campaigns. 


If you don’t have this understanding, no matter how seamless your marketing strategy is, it won’t be able to reach its full potential.


But there’s good news! 


You can learn how to develop this valuable skill by following the 7 Essential Steps to Producing Golden Customer Personas.  


This strategy teaches you how to:


  • Discover unifying characteristics that enable you to segment your customers. This allows you to target each group with unique messages that capture their attention.


  • Identify their interests, values, goals and concerns so you position your product or service in such a way that makes their life easier.


  • Get to know your audience so you can to build and reinforce relationships that lead to satisfied customers and brand loyalty.


These customer personas offer instant definition, clarifying exactly who your potential customers are and revealing the best ways to reach them with your message, product or service.  


As you can see, a well-crafted Customer Persona influences every aspect of Marketing.


Discover how you can begin using this powerful strategy to grow your business by reading the 7 Essential Steps to Producing Golden Customer Persona today.


Access to this critical technique is yours by clicking here. (link disabled)



Segment Name: Your Next Move


Promo Copy:  

As more people turn to the internet for answers, companies are scrambling to fill the information gap and they’re desperate for writers who can deliver quality content to meet rising demands.


Can you help?  If you have a knack for writing, you are exactly who they’re searching for. 


With AWAI's Content Marketing Mastery Certification, you can grasp the skills needed to become a certified Content Marketing Specialist. 


Russ Henneberry, co-author of Digital Marketing for Dummies, will lead your through the ins-and-outs of Content Marketing. This fast-paced, certification course will teach you how to be confident and position yourself to take advantage of this massive opportunity.


  • Master the techniques of developing outstanding content marketing strategies

  • Know exactly what to write for each piece of content your client needs

  • Package your skills and charge top dollar by “productizing” your services 

  • You’ll even get training on how to multiply your efforts by creating more content without increasing your workload


Being a Content Marketing Specialist is a liberating way to make a living. 


You’ll be engaged in a creative industry, telling stories and building relationships between businesses and customers. 


As a Content Marketer, your time belongs to you. No set hours, no employees, no payroll. Say goodbye to the corporate grind.


The tricky part will be deciding where to set up your office. There's no shortage of awe-inspiring locations — a porch swing at a beach-house — the corner seat in a quaint cafe — a hammock with a mountain view.


Explore the possibilities when you make a career shift and experience the freedom of being a professional writer.


Whether you are looking for more peaceful days or desire something more adventurous, you'll find it when you embrace the Writer's Life.


Secure your spot today and explore the possibilities by clicking here. (link disabled)

Ways to Contact Carly



Address:  Carly Agnew

                 PO Box 51

                 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816







© 2024 by Carly Agnew.

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